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About Us

Academic credentials at a glance:

  • Doctor of Naturopathy Degree; 2016, Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM)

  • Facial Rejuvenation & Facial Acupuncture Certificate; 2022, Two Circles Acupuncture, USA

  • Orthopedic Surgery Specialty Certificate; 1996, IUMS, Tehran, Iran

  • Medical Doctorate Degree; 1989, SBUMS. Tehran, Iran

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Dr. Farzad Alavi, ND, founder of Synergy Naturopathy is a dedicated naturopathic doctor with years of experience in various healthcare services. He acquired his Medical Doctorate degree in one of the most prestigious Medical Universities in Iran (SBUMS) in 1989, and practiced as a general physician for three years to fulfill the necessary general requirements needed for entering elite surgical specialties programs at the time in Iran. Then he was successfully passed the admission exams and accepted for Orthopedic Surgery residency program in Iran University of Medical Sciences (IUMS). Upon his graduation in 1996, he started practicing in public and private healthcare sectors as an Orthopedic Surgeon and continued the profession for over 12 years in Iran. During this time, he also established his own private clinic until immigrated to Canada to pursue his passion further

with a novel approach.


As a major life transformation, immigration opened a luminous window to Dr. Alavi’s medical enthusiasm and directed him to explore a new scientific world in healthcare field. Therefore, he started his education in Naturopathic Medicine Bridging Program* in Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) and graduated from the college in 2016 with the Doctor of Naturopathy degree.


Combining Naturopathic Medicine philosophy as an impressive blend of diverse non-invasive natural wellness sciences with his previous Medical knowledge led Dr. Alavi to promote his professional capabilities to a higher and more efficient level than before. During studying and practicing Naturopathy, he has observed numerous outstanding results from the naturopathic therapies especially in chronic illnesses. 


To add more to his Sport Medicine expertise given his orthopedic background, Dr. Alavi studied Sport Nutrition materials and passed the International Society of Sport Nutrition Certificate Exam in 2016.


Since the reason for development and existence of all health-related sciences is to enhance people’s well-being, Dr. Alavi’s first priority has always been centralized toward helping suffering individuals to get well soon and feel better and happier in their life.

Dr Alavi, ND has attained his ultimate satisfaction and pleasure by observing his patients gaining good recovery from their injuries or illnesses after either surgical or medical treatments in the past and with the Naturopathic interventions at present.


By building strong and close bonds with his patients and establishing intimate professional relationships, Dr. Alavi has consistently and efficiently encouraged his clients to promote their lifestyle routines to healthier habits, and helped them to improve their health status further.


To supplement his knowledge for the current needs of those clients who seek natural facial rejuvenation, Dr Alavi took a specialized course in Cosmetic Acupuncture and learned the knowledge and skills to provide the service. Since this type of facial rejuvenation lacks the adverse effects of the aggressive methods, and works on face, mind and body together, Dr. Alavi recommends his patients to have this natural method in their minds for their facial rejuvenation journey.


Taking in mind that evolution of science never stops, Dr. Alavi constantly tries to update and upgrade his Naturopathic knowledge with the most recent and credible research studies that are continually being published in the scientific world. So, he incorporates efficacious Evidence-Based studies into his knowledge appropriately and applies them accordingly in his Naturopathic practice.




*Bridging program for Naturopathic Medicine Degree Program is specifically devised in CCNM for those internationally-trained medical graduates who had passed the Medical Council of Canada’s Evaluating Examination (MCCEE) in advance. In order to enter the Naturopathy bridging program, Dr. Alavi took and successfully passed MCCEE in March 2014. MCCEE is now replaced with MCCQE.


7131 Bathurst St, Unit 102, Ground Floor

Vaughan, ON  L4S 2X4


Phone Number: 437 255 6494


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