Visits info:
In this page, you can find brief and useful information about the visits in this clinic.
General information about the visits.
Health questionnaires: valuable data collection methods that should be filled before visiting your doctor to save your visit time for face to face conversation. So, you will be asked to arrive in clinic 30 minutes before first and second visits to fill up the questionnaires.
Every piece of health information you report to your naturopathic doctor will be the most fundamental component of your health data. So, do not hesitate to explain your symptoms as clear and thorough as possible.
Although various kind of tests (lab, imaging, etc.) are valuable diagnostic means, you will not be asked to do any test prior to having a detailed conversation with your naturopathic doctor. We will request them only if clinical findings in your visits justify their benefits and usefulness. Undoubtedly, reviewing your previous lab test results is worthwhile and bringing them to your visits is definitely recommended.
Patients’ role in implementing their own part in naturopathic treatments is essential and patents are solely responsible to follow naturopathic advice. Undoubtedly, failure to follow such recommendations may impose notable negative impact on final outcome of treatment goals.
Your health condition may occasionally warrant consultation, referrals or communication with other health care professionals. We will not hesitate to consult with other health care providers about your condition after acquiring your informed consent.
What you need to know about the visits:
Initial visit usually takes around 90-120 minutes (depends on the appointment type) and is a detailed introductory session. You will be asked to arrive at the clinic half an hour before your appointment in order to fill out the required forms and questionnaires. During the initial visit, we will try to gather as much health information of yours to have them analyzed before your second visit. Depending on time and your condition, some preliminary advice or treatment may be initiated in your first visit. You may be given some supplementary forms to be filled at home and be brought for your next appointment, usually a week later.
Second visit is highly recommended to be arranged for a week after your first visit. It takes 1 hour and you will be asked to bring back those filled forms you were possibly given in your first visit. During your second visit, you can discuss further concerns or bring up some new information about your concerns. Same for us, we may ask you additional questions and perform physical exams to collect supplementary information. Then we will explain you the appropriate treatment plan.
Follow-up visits can be either 30 or 60 minutes, depending on the situation. These are for the patients who have completed their initial assessments in their first and second visits in the clinic. You will be re-assessed in each visit and your treatment plan will be adjusted according to your body’s response to previous treatments.
Urgent visits may take 40 minutes and mainly focus on very recent ailment or injury to plan to start the appropriate action and help alleviating the symptoms . Such visits will require further comprehensive visits later to assess your whole body knowing that the holistic concept is a key principle in naturopathic approach.
Acupuncture/Cupping visits are 30-minute visits for those patients that these types of treatments is chosen for them and they come to the clinic to start or continue their treatment sessions. The last session of these treatments will be a full 1-hour appointment to re-assess your health condition.
Facial Acupuncture visits which starts after the first comprehensive visits, take 1 hour each session to perform the service which include brief assessment, facial massage, acupuncture and specific care after removing the needles.
What do you need to bring for your Initial Visit?
A photo ID
Any lab test results
Any kind of imaging reports or CDs (X-Ray, CT-Scan, MRI and ...)
Complete list of your medications and supplements